Daniel Craig
His predecessor,the fifth James Bond,was Pierce Brosnan,who starred in four 007films from 1995 to 2002
Daniel Craig has been playing James Bond since 2006,he has starred in five 007 films
What is Daniel Craig’s debut work?
Daniel Craig’s debut work was the 1988 TV drama”The Power of One”,and his first film appearance was in the 1992 film “The Power of One”
Who is Daniel Craig’s family?
He was born in England in 1968 and had a family of four with his father who ran a pub, his mother who was a teacher and his sister, but his parents divorced when he was four years old.
Is Daniel Craig married?
Daniel Craig has been married twice so far.His first wife was an actress ,Fiona Loudon,and they had a daughter together ,His current wife is actress Rachel Weisz,and had a son in 2018.
Daniel Craig as an actor
I think Daniel Craig has a strength and sex appeal that none of the previous James Bond had